Reminder to Year 6 families - School Supplied Laptop Program
Dear Year 6 families
If your child will be attending the EFS 7-12 campus in Year 7 in 2025, you will have already seen information about the new School Supplied Laptop Program (SSLP).
Your child will have received hard copies of an 'Information letter' and 'Agreement to pay form' from their current teacher. Please return the hard copy form to Student Services (7-12 Campus) or to the Front Office at your campus.
Once forms have been received and processed, there will be further information around laptop collection. We strongly encourage all incoming Year 7 families to utilise the SSLP for their child's laptop.
The handbook and copies of the letter and agreement to pay form, are available on our website and below for your information.
Please return the hard copy form to Student Services (7-12 Campus) or to the Front Office at your campus.
EFS Transition Team