Newsletter Articles
- Principal’s message
- A message from Ms Wilson, Director of Secondary Education
- Governing Council Message
- Climbing for Gold
- Swimming Carnival
- Tourism and Visual Arts Paver Fundraiser
- Ethan’s 10 month Japanese Exchange
- SA Track and Field Championships
- Sturt topple Stirling on Sports Day 2018
- ANZAC Day Dawn Service
- Year 7 SAPSASA Netball/Football
- State SAPSASA Soccer Carnival
- South Pacific Islander and Australian reflections on‘Blackbirding’ Exhibition
- Open Girls Football
- Allied Health students host the Room 20 students
- Year 10 Work Experience
- Year 12 Excursion
- Appreciative Inquiry Summit - Student Leadership Training
- Year 11 Outdoor Education Canoeing
- Stage 1 Child Studies Birthing Kit Foundation Australia Fundraising
- Stage 1 Food & Hospitality RISE Breakfast Catering
- Stage 2 Food & Hospitality Excursion to Hahndorf & Woodside
- Year 8/9 Girls knockout Football
- First Aid Training for the Health Services
- Eastern Fleurieu Softballers win at the State SAPSASA Softball Carnival
- Year 7 Knockout Netball
- Year 11 Tourism Field Trips
- Mylor Camp adventures for Year 7 students
- Indonesian Martial Arts experience for Year 8 class
- Systems and Engineering
- Year 10 Drone Design and Engineering
- Year 10 Agboom Excursion 1
- Alexandrina Council Reconciliation Week
- SAPOL Work Experience
- SAPSASA Basketball Carnival
- Year 8/9 Football Semi Final Report
- Flinders University Open Day
- Open Girls Basketball Champions!
- Adelaide Guitar Festival Orchestra
- Wear it Purple Day
- Year 7 K/O Netball
- Year 9 Adelaide Zoo Excursion
- Year 8D History
- Year 8D Geography
- Ushiku High School Study Tour - August
- EFS Student embarks on exchange program
- Science Investigation Awards
- Yr 10 Logo and Production Design
- Royal Adelaide Show
- R U OK? Day
- Stars Shine Bright at Performing Arts Showcase
- Ethan’s Exchange Experience – a letter home
- Eastern Fleurieu Racing Round 2
- EFS Music Tour
- International Education
- Ushiku Junior High School Study Tour - November
- The Ash Girl
- Basketball Champions
- A not so ‘lost’ year!
- White Ribbon Day
- Cooking with Room 20
- Year 10 highlights
- Year 11
- Rm 20 Visits Bunnings
- Premier’s Reading Challenge
- Shakespeare: As you write it
- Green Thumbs at EFS
- Outdoor Classroom Day
- Year 9 and 10 Indigenous Craft Excursion
- Annual Regional Youth Art Exhibition
- Ian Johnson Rotary Oratory Competition
- Mock Interviews
- The Rite Journey Graduation
- Melbourne bound for Volleyball
- SAPSASA Roll of Honour
- Senior Presentation and Year 12 Graduation Night
- Year 12 class of 2018
- Year 12 Quotes and Memories
- A tribute to Mikayla Eastwood
- A tribute to Hayden Perkins
Principal’s message
When I was appointed as Principal of EFS mid-way through 2017 I was very aware of the challenges and rewards this appointment would bring. During my first visit to each campus of the school in term 3 of that same year, I realised not only did I have big shoes to fill in replacing Trevor Fletcher as Principal, there were enormous expectations from you, the students of EFS.
I could see and feel the love of learning, care for each other and that sense of belonging; this is our school and we are very proud of our achievements!
Your ability to demonstrate to me your commitment to EFS as your school of choice was evident through your actions reflecting the school values of Integrity, Responsibility, Care and Compassion, Participation and Cooperation, and Respect. This reinforced to me that I had made the right choice and was the catalyst to look at how we could build on this outstanding culture you were all so very proud of.
The answer was quite simple really.
You, the students of EFS are the only reason we are here. Without a safe, caring and enjoyable learning environment where every one of you can experience success at the optimum level, regardless of socio-economic background – you would vote with your feet and go elsewhere. No students, no school!
The pleasing aspect for all of us in 2018 is the enrolments across EFS have grown with many more students on waiting lists than previously. The 7-12 Campus will have an increase of approximately 50 students in 2019 and we are already at capacity.
This increase is due to the quality of the teaching and learning programs, the many curriculum offerings and the extra-curricular activities on offer. However, above all of this is the respectful relationships between teacher and learner at EFS. All research points to the fact that relationships based on school values such as ours is the biggest factor in student achievement and whole school success.
My job as Principal has been to foster this culture through ensuring we have a positive and supportive working environment for all through clear policies and processes with an uncompromising commitment to students being at the centre of every decision we make.
We have experienced some highs and lows this year but that’s what life dishes up. It’s never easy and our ability to build resilience, learn from our mistakes, support each other and not spend too much time on things we have no control over, that will see us continue to grow from strength to strength even in times of adversity.
Take care and always look out for each other now and in to the future. This is our strength.
I am very proud and honoured to be your Principal.
Ian Kent
Eastern Fleurieu R-12 School
A message from Ms Wilson, Director of Secondary Education
I always welcome the opportunity to look back on the year that was and reflect upon what has been achieved by the staff and students at Eastern Fleurieu 7-12 Campus. 2018 again proved to be a year full of academic and sporting success as well as an immersion in cultural and diverse learning experiences. While we were unable to hold our traditional annual Swim Carnival, due to weather we certainly began to see the immergence of house pride during Sports Day with Sturt being crowned the winners again: Sturt also backed this great performance up at the end of the year by winning the overall house shield. Our sporting teams also performed admirably again with many successes achieved throughout the year.
The staff at the 7-12 campus are always looking for ways to engage young people in their learning programs with a range of new activities. This saw a partnership with the Alexandrina Council this year through the Agboom program. This program incorporated our Agricultural Studies students having real life experiences on functioning farms within our community. The learning experiences these students were able to achieve were phenomenal and we hope to see this initiative continue in the following years.
Our Art and History faculties also combined to deliver the ‘Blackbirding’ project. This was a fantastic project that highly engaged the young people involved. The students and staff were so successful that our students were asked to be part of the exhibition at the Kerry Packer Civic Gallery at University SA City West Campus.
Our Performing Arts program continues to grow every year and 2018 was no exception. The Music Tour was again an overwhelming success and our drama and dance performances demonstrated the amazing abilities of many of our students.
While the end the 2018 school year was marred by the tragic loss of two of our graduating Year 12 students, the rest of the student cohort and staffed pulled together to ensure that the Year 12 graduation was also a celebration of the wonderful achievement of the cohort of students.
Thank you again to the staff, students, parents/carers and the wider community for their support of Eastern Fleurieu R-12 School and we look forward to another great year of success in 2019.
Tanya Wilson
Director of Secondary Education (7-12 Campus)
Eastern Fleurieu R-12 School
Governing Council Message
I was delighted to be invited to contribute to this year’s School Magazine on behalf of all Governing Council (GC) members. In addition to staff representatives Ian Kent, Tanya Wilson, Jo Garwood, Emily Rodgers and Andrea Thomas, your parent representative members for 2018 are Richard Prusa, Andrew Joyner (Deputy Chairperson), Sue Hall, Adam Howieson, Leah Breen, Lisa Smith, Melanie Priestly, Merridy Chester, and Liz Kropp, who also provide parent representation on the R-6 canteen, 7-12 canteen, finance, uniform and transport committees. The diversity and value of each members experience and knowledge brings quality and robustness to our discussions.
“Our students will have the confidence, skills and knowledge to embrace opportunities and navigate the challenges of their futures” EFS Strategic Plan Vision
Underlining all GC decisions in 2018 has been this strategic plan vision. GC has given very strong support for student outcomes and student involvement in decision making, and on building capacity for the future in our students and our teaching cohort. GC has appreciated 7-12 school captain attendance and updates at GC meetings throughout the year.
In 2018, in partnership with Principal Ian Kent and the Executive Leadership team, GC focused on strengthening our school’s financial sustainability and embracing a framework to ensure decision making is clear and transparent. Priorities included enhancing our communication tools and processes to be inclusive of everyone, and supporting initiatives that warmly embraced our smaller campuses in order to encourage and promote a unified school community. At meetings we received reports from R-6 Canteen, 7-12 Canteen, Finance, Uniform and Transport committees.
As in the past, GC held meetings at Ashbourne, Milang, Langhorne Creek, Strathalbyn R-6, and Strathalbyn 7-12 campuses so that GC members could meet with Campus Advisory Committee (CAC) representatives prior to GC meetings. We enjoy hearing first-hand from CACs and parents about campus activities and initiatives. At our November meeting, GC endorsed a review of the operation and role of CACs. This is now underway, with the main objectives to improve our community’s understanding of the purpose of CACs, bring consistency and clarity to their operation (whilst still recognising the unique character of each campus), and deepen the level of parent engagement across all campuses.
During the year Ian and I met with local MP, Josh Teague, Member for Kavel, to stress to him the pressure on our facilities and curriculum due to high enrolments. We also discussed traffic management and parking, bus routes and school zoning, and the unique challenges and complexities associated with a multi-campus school such as ours. Similar conversations were had when we subsequently met with Alexandrina Council’s Chief Executive Officer and their Senior Strategy and Governance Officer, as to how Alexandrina Council, via their Advocacy Agenda, can help address these significant issues in the short and long term. Given Alexandrina Council views education as one of the key economic drivers for our region, other topics discussed included collaboration and partnering opportunities for our school with the local business sector and agricultural bureaus. We very much appreciate Alexandrina Council’s willingness to work with us on these challenges, which will require a patient and collaborative approach as we work towards long term solutions.
Thank you to our broader business community for the significant level of support you give to our students and school activities; this is valued greatly by all here at EFS.
Congratulations to everyone involved in the production of this year’s magazine – EFS is clearly the school of choice in our region thanks to the passion, pride and dedication of everyone associated with our school – I will enjoy reflecting on all the amazing EFS achievements and success stories!
Sue Miller
Governing Council
Climbing for Gold
Eastern Fleurieu student Josie, has achieved outstanding success at the State Rock Climbing Championships held at the Holden Hill indoor centre.
EFS’s own Year 8 student Jorja has been lucky enough to be selected to represent Australian Country Junior Basketball in New Zealand.
Each year a select few South Australia Country players are chosen based on their performance at The Australian Junior country cup that was held in Albury back in January.
The New Zealand tournament is held over the Easter period and she will get the opportunity to train and play with some of the best coaches and players from around Australia.
Jorja, along with another fellow Strathalbyn player, raised money to go towards their trip.
Swimming Carnival
House Point Summary
4th Stirling 228 points
3rd Flinders 266 points
2nd Sturt 336 points
1st Angas 408 points

Tourism and Visual Arts Paver Fundraiser
Our 2015 Tourism and Visual Arts classes went on a trip to Sydney and did some fundraising for our school.
The fundraising that took place, has now, after some time, been used to lay a new path at the 7-12 campus.
The students and their families were able to purchase pavers to create an everlasting memory of their schooling at EFS. It looks brilliant in our beautiful school gardens.
Thank you to all who helped to make it happen.
Mr Rose & Mrs Turpin
Ethan’s 10 month Japanese Exchange
Letter from Japan, settling in…
My host family is an absolute dream, I couldn't have asked for a better one, my friends were all really nice and welcoming to start with but now they're more like actual friends, joking around and having fun with each other and not just them being complete gentlemen to me. Since I arrived here I've had many experiences that you could only have in Japan such as going to Kyoto and seeing all the breathtaking temples, watching Sumo wrestling and going to Akihabara and being surrounded with everything anime and video games. It's such a diverse country with the city being so crowded and full of light 24/7 and then only an hour or so away getting to the country and it being so quiet and dark. Both sides of Japan are extremely beautiful at day and night, at every time of the year especially spring when the cherry blossoms bloom, now they are truly a sight to behold.
The language is probably the hardest part of being here, having only studied 10 weeks before I came here it was bound to be quite a struggle. However, without even realising it I have learnt so much, a lot of it from study but also a lot from just being here, surrounded with the language, it just kind of soaks in. All of that said, I still have a long way to go before becoming fluent, at the stage I’m at now I can hold basic conversation easily, react to many different situations and events with one word or a sentence. At the moment I’d say the most important part is being able to speak the language. My main priority now is learning vocabulary and later I will focus more on learning more of the Kanji alphabet which has over 50,000 characters.
I've been missing home a lot and spending a lot of time thinking of home but that's just the negatives and there are far more positives than there are negatives.
I still have 7 months left of this once in a lifetime journey I'm having now and I'll no doubt make the most of every part of it. Ethan.

SA Track and Field Championships
The EFS 7-12 Athletics Team battled it out against a strong opposition in the Senior School B Grade Track and Field Championships. The team of 60 Athletes endured hot and windy conditions to achieve an overall placing of 5th with a score of 555points.
Outstanding performances were achieved by many individuals. The following students were able to win their individual age group:
Isabella D: Under 16 Shot
Kade B: Open 200m, Open 100m and Open Long
Blake B: Under 15 Triple Jump
Murray McC: Open Shot Put
Emogen J: Open Girls 1000m Steeplechase

We would like to acknowledge the following students that covered events for the team and competed against students that were much older than their age group: Abby W, Emma L, Emogen J, Ruby McB, Alissa W, Isaac B and Jake S.
Thanks to all of the students that competed, you represented your school with pride.
Sturt topple Stirling on Sports Day 2018
Sturt took the win with a total of 1294 points. In second place was Stirling. They were hoping to make it three in a row but fell 88 points short, behind Sturt. Stirling gained 1206 points for their effort on the day. In third place was Flinders on 1161 and in fourth, Angas on 1064. Well done to all House Captains who worked diligently filling gaps in events and supporting their teams.

Strathalbyn Mitre 10, sponsored the 100m event once again, giving $100 gift vouchers to the fastest male and female in the event. Congratulations to Kade and Annabel who our winners this year. The support of Mitre 10 is very much appreciated.

ANZAC Day Dawn Service
On Wednesday the 25th of April, members from both the EFS Vocal Ensemble and Singing for Fun attended the Strathalbyn ANZAC Day Dawn Service. This attendance at the Dawn Service is something that the EFS Choir has been involved with for the past six years, and this year, the amalgamation of the two singing groups resulted in a larger group of students having the opportunity to attend.
The group led the service in the singing of the National Anthem, a humbling and moving experience for all who participated.
Year 7 SAPSASA Netball/Football
On Wednesday the 2nd of May we had two year 7 netball teams and 1 Year 7 Football team represent Eastern Fleurieu in the Southern Fleurieu Netball/Football Carnival at Victor Harbor/Encounter Bay. All teams displayed outstanding sportsmanship and showcased fine skills throughout the day.
Division two netballers had an excellent day on the court. They had an incredible run and were undefeated in all five of their games, finishing with a convincing win over Mount Compass in the grand final.
The division one netballers started the day with a draw, one win and one loss, finishing fourth in the minor round. They were pitted against Victor Harbor (1st V 4th) in the semi, claiming an excellent win and moving into the grand final. They had a credible finish, claiming 1st place with a 15 – 6 win over Investigator College.
The netballers did an excellent job, claiming 1st place in both divisions. It is a credit to the girls and their outstanding display of netball. Well done!
The football boys had an outstanding day, finishing the carnival undefeated and winners of the trophy for the 4th year in a row.
The team play that was shown was a real credit to them as many of the boys play for different clubs on the weekends. They played a modern style of game that was a joy to watch.
State SAPSASA Soccer Carnival
The last week of June saw EFS with an excellent representation of 8 year 7’s and 4 year 6 students in the State SAPSASA Soccer Carnival

South Pacific Islander and Australian reflections on ‘Blackbirding’ Exhibition
On the evening of Wednesday May 2nd students Angelina and Laura along with teachers Chantelle Reece and Jen Turpin attended the South Pacific Islander and Australian Reflections on 'Blackbirding' Exhibition at the Kerry Packer Civic Gallery at Uni SA City West Campus. This exhibition, which ran until May 18, reflects on the 19th Century labour traffic (known as blackbirding) of South Pacific Islanders by colonial powers to cotton and sugar plantations in Australia, Fiji, Samoa, and even Peru.
Angelina and Laura attended the event as representatives of the EFS Year 9 cohort who have been learning about ‘Blackbirding’ in HASS this semester. As part of this unit of work the Year 9 students were required to complete an assignment wherein they chose to either write a letter to an ancestor or create a blackout poem with a focus on ‘Blackbirding’. A selection of these pieces of work that aimed to highlight a very unknown part of Australian history were shown as part of the exhibition.
The attractive display of student work put together by their teachers was warmly regarded by all visitors to the exhibition on the night. As part of the evening’s formalities Angelina and Laura were invited on stage to share with the large audience what they have learnt about ‘Blackbirding’ and how their displayed work reflected their newly acquired knowledge. It was a wonderful opportunity for all students involved to showcase the amazing work that they have been doing at EFS and share this with a wider audience.

Open Girls Football
On Thursday 17th May, the Open Girls took part in a round robin Football tournament. The games were held at the Strathalbyn Football Oval with the girls playing against Willunga and Victor Harbor. The girls took on Willunga to start off the day and they came home with a convincing win against strong opposition winning by 10 goals. Chelsea kicked a whopping 7 goals in this game. The next game, the girls played against Victor Harbor who have incorporated a specialist Football program into their curriculum. The EFS girls fought really hard although unfortunately, they lost by 15 points and Victor Harbor ended up going through to the next round. Thank you to the Year 8 students who helped out on the day and to the girls for making the school proud by showing excellent sportsmanship and determination.
Allied Health students host the Room 20 students
On Friday 18th May, the Allied Health students hosted an activities lesson with the Room 20 students. These activities were created by the Allied Health students as a part of their “Maintain a high standard of client service” unit. Their task was to incorporate communication and problem solving into a learning activity that they would then complete with a small group of students. All students (and teachers) had an excellent time and the Allied Health students were all successful in attaining competency for this unit. Thank you to Rhiannon Maguire and the Room 20 students for their time and assisting the Allied Health students throughout their course.
Year 10 Work Experience
From the 14th- 18th of May the entire year 10 cohort undertook Work Experience as a part of their Personal Learning Plan. Throughout the week the students had the opportunity to attend an industry of their choice to get an understanding of what the career entails. Through the week we had students attending; vets, child care centres, architecture units, dance/performing arts schools, carpentry sites, schools, hospitality industries, beauty and retail industries and many more. This experience was a useful and wonderful opportunity for the students as they got the chance to understand the industry and acknowledge whether they would be interested in pursuing a career in that work force. The week was full of learning, fun, hard work and amazing opportunities. On behalf of the year ten cohort, I would like to thank the 100+ businesses that gave us the opportunity to complete work experience.
Written by Keryn, Year 10 student.
Year 12 Excursion
On Friday the 25th of May, a combined year 12 group attended an excursion to the Central Markets and Adelaide Careers Expo. English students participated in a guided tour of the Central Market where they were able to learn about the different stalls, and taste test a range of sample foods. With this information, English students will develop a language study that involves an analysis of the spoken, non verbal, visual and written language used by stalls and shop owners around the market.
After visiting the markets, students then attended the Adelaide Careers Expo where they were able to roam around and learn information about the many careers available to them after school. Workplace Practices students will use this information in their current folio task, which requires them to create a range of ‘how to gain employment’ booklets for future year ten students.
Appreciative Inquiry Summit - Student Leadership Training
On Friday, May 25th the Year 10 RISE Ambassadors attended the Appreciative Inquiry Summit hosted at Mt Barker High School to participate in a day of targeted student leadership training. Along with students from six other schools, the students worked together on a strengths-based approach to leadership and school improvement, using the elements of the Appreciative Inquiry Cycle - Discovery, Dream, Design, and Destiny. It was an interactive, challenging and enjoyable day, with the students making new friends, actively developing student leadership action plans and learning skills that they can apply both at school and in life. Our students will now apply these skills to organise and run events as a part of our year 10 RISE program. A great day had by all!
Year 11 Outdoor Education Canoeing
34.1743° S, 140.7443° E
Year 11 Outdoor Education Canoeing: 71Km, 8 Days, 25 students, 5 staff, beautiful weather… good times!
Stage 1 Child Studies Birthing Kit Foundation Australia Fundraising
The two Year 11 classes have been raising money for the Birthing Kit Foundation of Australia through a number of fundraising efforts including a Casual Clothes Day on Friday, 25th May and a very successful Bake Sale on Friday, 1st June. The funds raised goes directly towards funding the two Assembly Days that the classes will be involved in, on 19th and 21st of June in Week 8.
We would like to take the opportunity to thank everyone who participated in or donated towards our goal of $1200, because of your generosity we were able to raise well over that.
Stage 1 Food & Hospitality RISE Breakfast Catering
On Tuesday May 22nd, the Year 10 RISE Ambassadors hosted a special breakfast, welcoming local businesses to our school to hear about our RISE program and how it prepares our young people for life after school, as well as the opportunities available through our flourishing VET courses. The breakfast was beautifully prepared by the Year 11 Hospitality students and accompanied by the musical talents of Willow and Ellorah. We would like to sincerely thank the local business people who offered their time up this morning and look forward to working with you in our community to prepare our students for future employment.
Stage 2 Food & Hospitality Excursion to Hahndorf & Woodside
On Friday, 1st June the Stage 2 Food & Hospitality Class went to Hahndorf and Woodside in an effort to learn about Food Miles directly from the farmers, producers and business owners.
The students started the day at Beerenberg Farm, then to Udder Delights where they enjoyed tasting a number of products and learning about the cheese origins and the importance of supporting local farmers. Lunch was at Seasonal Garden Café where the students also spoke to Chef Zena who walked them through their in-house veggie garden and was a wealth of knowledge when it came to eating seasonally and locally. The students had a great finish to the day by stopping off at Melba’s Chocolate Factory to gain some last-minute inspiration for their up-coming breakfast practical where they are to utilise a local ingredient.
Year 8/9 Girls knockout Football
The 8/9 Girls had an opportunity, for the first time, to enter the SA School Sports KO Football Championships. During week 6 of this term the team travelled to Tintinara for the first round against Murray Bridge and Upper South East.
The girls were very nervous in the first game against Upper South East. After a slow start, their confidence and skills improved, resulting in a tightly fought win. Jorja kicked two goals, while Jade walked away with one.
The second game was against a tough Murray Bridge opposition. Our team, many of whom have not played football, battled it out with multiple hard-ball efforts and fierce tackles. Unfortunately, Murray Bridge was too strong, and we were unable to get through their defence.
It was a highly enjoyable day for the girls and they represented the school with great pride. Team morale was second to none and their skills developed considerably throughout the day. The Best on Ground players, in both games, were Madelyn, Anne and Jorja. Thanks goes to Jack, for his coaching tips and support and Janine Duval for assisting the team.
First Aid Training for the Health Services
On Wednesday 13th June, the Cert III Health Services Assistance students completed their Provide First Aid course. Students really enjoyed the training and engaged positively with the learning throughout the day. They particularly enjoyed learning CPR and building their confidence in techniques to provide first aid. Thank you to St Johns for delivering the training and a special thanks to the students for being so eager and enthusiastic throughout the day.
Eastern Fleurieu Softballers win at the State SAPSASA Softball Carnival
This year both of our Southern Fleurieu SAPSASA District Softball teams competed during the last week of term one and were made up entirely of EFS students. During the week they competed against other districts, who had representatives from many schools, including all the large public and private Adelaide schools.
At the end of the carnival both teams were undefeated with the boys winning Division 1 and the girls Division 3. This was a fantastic achievement and a credit to all involved. It could be a first in SAPSASA’s long history for a zone to win a Division 1 competition with students from only one school.
2017 saw us win the State Knockout Competition. This year our boys have also been playing in the same competition and have won their first two games. They are looking at going back to back in term four. Two of our year 6 boys, Elliot and Tyson were representatives in the State SAPSASA Softball team in 2017 and trialled to represent the State again.
Year 7 Knockout Netball
Eastern Fleurieu year 7 netball team took on Port Elliot PS in the first round of the SAPSASA Knockout Competition. They were a very strong side, visible in their height and physicality advantage. Our team displayed skills and game play on the day that were excellent, finishing with a convincing 20 goal win.
We will take on the winners of Aldinga Beach PS and Willunga PS before the end of term 2.
Year 11 Tourism Field Trips
Year 11 Tourism students have recently been on a couple of field trips, Adelaide CBD and Woodside/Hahndorf/Langhorne Creek. The purpose of the field trips was to enhance students’ educational experience in Tourism education and to explore what these areas have to offer.
The Tourism students have been assigned to create an advertisement that promotes South Australia to travellers whether through experiences or adventures.

Mylor Camp adventures for Year 7 students
On the 28th of May 2018 we went to the Mylor Baptist Camp. We stayed there for 3 days and two nights for the Year 7 camp. My favourite activity was probably the flying fox because I got to laugh at other people’s screams. Aleysha’s was the best. The funniest moment was when my group went canoeing and Mr Wayne and Mr P grabbed onto our canoe and we started dragging them along and telling them to let go.
Jazmine 7D

We went to the Year 7 Camp at the Mylor Baptist Camp from the 28th to the 30th of May. My favourite activity was the flying fox because it was fun and scary. The funniest moment was when we were canoeing and we ran into a blackberry bush.
Luke 7D
Indonesian Martial Arts experience for Year 8 class
On Thursday 21st of June, the Year 8 Indonesian students were lucky enough to have a visit from Indo Fest volunteer, Pak Dodi. He taught the students how to practice Pencak Silat, Indonesian martial arts. The students spent the hour learning all of the different moves and thoroughly enjoyed the experience stating that it was “bagus sekali” meaning very good in Indonesian.
The students finished off the lesson with Mie Goreng, fried noodles, a classic Indonesian meal.
Systems and Engineering
The Systems and Engineering staff have been busy this semester rolling out new curriculum across the middle school years. Our newest recruit, Jonathon Gomez, has been doing an exceptional job inspiring our students’ creative minds while leading them through the ideation to realisation process.
Our Year 8 students have been applying learnt knowledge of insulation properties and building design to create scale models of homes using a range of technologies. This collaborative and problem-based learning task has taught students a range of skills in designing, evaluating and developing processes that can be applied to many learning areas. Students have been working in teams and individually to create these amazing products. The Systems and Engineering staff and students have highly valued Jonathon's expertise in building and construction, to create a real-world, relevant learning experience.

Moving into our year 9 Integrated Materials Course, where students combine traditional metalwork and woodwork skills, in a flexible design and creative environment. Jonathon Gomez has guided these students and supported them to make some beautifully crafted products that reflect the personality and needs of our students. In a very busy semester, where students have missed multiple lessons due to other commitments, Jonathon has ensured every success is attainable by our young people. Semester 2 is now on the way and we look forward to pushing the ideation and creation envelope even further with another group of enthusiastic students.
Year 10 Drone Design and Engineering
The students in Year 10 Drone Design and Engineering were challenged in term 2 as they progressed through a STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics) problem-based learning task. Students are now in full production of their team wear and simulator booths while we must give thanks to many of the local businesses who have generously sponsored some of the teams. Team 'Sprint Racing' is our current leader, with the team and individual performances accumulating throughout the semester. The open design and collaborative learning experience, with a combined class of 54 students, has presented a fantastic learning opportunity for students. Collaboration, conflict resolution, design skills and fabrication skills have enabled students to grow their problem-solving skills in a range of new contexts. The integration of logo, t-shirt and marketing booth design, with production methods of a range of materials has been the focus thus far. Semester 2 will explore the validation of solutions to aerodynamic problems using mathematics, car physics and remote Wifi control.
John Sellar

Year 10 Agboom Excursion 1
On Wednesday 4th July, Year 10 Ag students had the opportunity to visit three very different farms on the Fleurieu. These visits are aimed at familiarising students with the farms and businesses who have offered to support authentic student learning through work experience in Term 3. Our first stop was Scoop SA, where we were met by Rachel Macmillan (owner) and Liz Horton. Scoop SA “is the foremost purveyor of Fleurieu Peninsula's quality fresh fine foods. The latest and best garden-fresh seasonal fruits & vegetables, artisan cheeses, oils, olives and more, are "Scooped" from the growers and farmers of the region and delivered to you”. Liz showed us the shade houses, nursery areas and the quails. Students were encouraged to taste the flowers and leaves, often supplied to gourmet restaurants. Liz explained some of the challenges faced by the business and what type of jobs the students would do while on work experience.
Misty Brae Holdings was stop 2. Gino and Mandy Pacitti are amazing advocates for the dairy industry and are heavily involved in supporting student learning through the Cows Create Careers program. Gino gave us a run-down on the many roles/jobs of a dairy farmer, rather than what some people may view as “milking cows”. Their passion was obvious. Gino talked students through the process of artificial insemination and then we visited the calves.

Ferret Farm Forestry was our last location where Tony Dickson gave us his thoughts on sustainable farming practices and the economy. Tony was extremely passionate and has put so much hard work into establishing his beautiful property at Back Valley.
Thank you to Larry Caspers for taking us on this adventure across the Fleurieu. How fortunate we are to live in a community of such generous people, who so willingly offer to support our students.

Alexandrina Council Reconciliation Week
Mrs Turpin’s Year 9 HASS class entered into the Alexandrina Council Reconciliation Week Poster competition. This was integrated into their HASS curriculum - ‘Making a Nation’ topic. The winning poster was to be used to promote Reconciliation Week (27 May – 3 June) and NAIDOC Week (8 July – 15 July). Congratulations to all of the students for their entries, and to Joshua, the winner of the poster competition.

SAPOL Work Experience
My week with the Band of the South Australia Police
by Ellorah, Year 11
During the final week of Term 2, I undertook work experience with the Band of the South Australia Police. I was one of 33 young musicians from around the state participating in the program.
Our first day began with brief presentations by some of the band’s members, explaining what the week would entail. The band was then broken into sectionals and we were given a tour of the barracks by our mentors. The following hours consisted of getting acquainted with and practising our new performance pieces, and we needed every minute of practice we could get. The pieces were a new level of challenging none of us had ever come across, and our group were some of the best music students in the state.
The end of every day consisted of more presentations and workshops on everything from future careers in music to jazz improvisation and marching. Monday’s presentation on marching consisted of footage from the band’s marching experiences, which helped to prepare us for the marching we’d be doing on Friday.
Tuesday was more practice followed by a presentation from a lecturer at the University of Adelaide’s Elder Conservatorium, talking to us about future career pathways in music.
We had regular breaks to catch our breath, eat food, and mingle with other students. Throughout the week, I made many good friends that I’m still in contact with. Inside jokes were developed and strong friendships were formed that made the week all the more enjoyable.
Wednesday kicked off with a jazz improvisation workshop led by one of the band’s jazz experts, who taught us some basic riffs. Then, some of the more confident musicians stood out the front and gave us all an example of some jazz improvisation.
Thursday was a music-filled 12-hour day in preparation for our performance that night. After briefly going through our songs once more (which we had all vastly improved upon since the first day), the band members gave us a rundown of the day’s events and left us to relax while they packed up our bus. After travelling to the ABC building, where we’d be performing that night, and having another rehearsal, we returned to the barracks for a BBQ dinner. Unfortunately, there was a small fire, so our dinner was delayed when we had to evacuate the BBQ area!
Our performance commenced at 7pm and we were all buzzing with excitement. We watched the auditorium steadily fill as we waited patiently in our seats. It went off without any problems, which was the perfect reward for our hard work.
Friday was our marching workshop, which was definitely an experience I’d prefer without torrents of rain! The mounted police followed behind our march and we could pat the horses afterwards. It was an early finish that day, after heartfelt farewells and thanks to our mentors, we all parted our separate ways, hoping to return next year.
Through the week of work experience, I gained much knowledge and many helpful tips from professional musicians that have helped me improve my standard of playing. Although the music was extremely challenging, I enjoyed the push out of my comfort zone and loved the support of our mentors and fellow students. To any young musicians out there unsure of what to do for work experience or simply looking for a challenge (as it’s conducted from year 10 to 12) I highly recommend this opportunity to work with like-minded people and experience the work of a full-time musician.
SAPSASA Basketball Carnival
The annual year 6/7 SAPSASA State Basketball Carnival round robin competition was held at all the stadiums in Adelaide over two days and it involved hundreds of teams from al the over the state, with the winners of each pool going through to the State Finals. Our pool and round robin was held on Wednesday 25th of July at Pasadena High School.
There was a large turnout and at the trials for the girls team, which made selection difficult, but also resulted in a very even team, which we knew would be very competitive. The girls were just that on the day, winning five of their six games to finish second in their pool. They defeated Highgate, East Adelaide, Aldgate, Burnside and Colonel Light Gardens, which was a great result. Their only loss was to Littlehampton, who had several state players, and they won all their games convincingly and will go close to winning the championship in the September finals.
The boys battled hard and were competitive, but with only two year sevens they were outsized in most games. They were very unlucky in three of their games with a draw against Littlehampton and two, two point losses in other games against East Adelaide and Highgate.
All our students who played were a pleasure to coach, played the game in the right spirit, and as usual were excellent ambassadors for our school. Many thanks to Jorja for her help with coaching and scoring on the day and parents for transporting and also helping with scoring on the day.
Year 8/9 Football Semi Final Report
Our 8/9 Boys Football team travelled to Bordertown to play Tenison Woods College in the Knockout Semi-Final. After trailing early in the game, Eastern Fleurieu fought back well to close the gap to 15 points at three-quarter time. Unfortunately, our boys could not quite match it with Tenison Woods in the final term, with the margin increasing to 43 points. Final scores were Eastern Fleurieu 9.3 (57), Tenison Woods 15.10 (100). It was an excellent achievement for our team to reach the semi-final stage and they represented the school exceptionally well.
Flinders University Open Day
On Friday 10th August, year 11 and 12 students had the opportunity to visit the Flinders University Open day to explore and investigate study options for 2019 and beyond. It was a busy and stimulating visit with students attending lectures for a range of different courses and engaging with presenters at the Expo booths – many with free give-a-ways! The students discovered the wide range of study options and pathways that Flinders University has to offer, connecting also with some past EFS students who are now studying there. A fun, though exhausting day was had by all.

Open Girls Basketball Champions!
In 1992, Strathalbyn High School took the title of Open Girls Pool B Champions, again in 1997 as Eastern Fleurieu School. On Thursday the 16th of August, the 2018 EFS team joined the history books, defeating Yorke Peninsula in the Grand Final.
Throughout the day, the girls had convincing wins over Avenues College (56-14) and Glenunga International (39-12). They lost their minor round game to Yorks by 6 goals but showed promising signs late in the second half. Progressing into the semi final, EFS defeated Saint Johns Grammar 35-27 which gave them an opportunity to face Yorks for the title. After four hard fought quarters, the girls remained in charge of the game, showing brilliant composure and teamwork within the final minutes of the match, to win by a nail-biting two points. Each player played a vital role in the teams success, all adding to the score board and putting in tough defensive efforts across all games. The sportsmanship and teamwork was inspiring to be a part of, and the girls should be so proud of what they have achieved. Team (L-R): Emmerson, Emily, Tia, Kiana, Isabella, Anna, Alice, Chelsea, Coach Kelly White.
Adelaide Guitar Festival Orchestra
Sunday 12th August saw the combination of months of rehearsal and commitment come to fruition with a Concert at the Festival Theatre in Adelaide as part of the Finale concert for the Adelaide Guitar Festival.
The Orchestra came together for Winter School in the July school holidays for a week at the Festival Centre with Doctor Paul Svoboda from Brisbane Conducting. Approximately 60 Classical Guitar Students from various areas of Adelaide and surrounds participated in the school to learn the pieces which would be eventually performed at the Guitar Festival. Amongst the students was EFS Year 9 student, Amelia.
The Guitar Orchestra was also made up of the ‘Elder Conservatorium Ensemble’ University of Adelaide and the ‘Aurora Ensemble’ from Queensland to complete the 96 strong Orchestra.
Amelia’s guitar teacher Anne Todd said ‘What a great experience, thrill and honor it was for her and her students to be part of such an inspiring group.’
Artistic Director, of the Guitar Festival Slava Grigoryan, initiated the inaugural Guitar Festival Orchestra for the 2014 Festival with this being the 3rd one.
Conductor Dr. Svoboda and Amelia
As an incentive and encouragement to Guitarists involved in the Orchestra, ‘Yamaha’ donated two ‘Grand Concert Guitars’ to be given to a girl and a boy at the discretion of Conductor Dr. Svoboda. He announced the recipients in the Green room at the Festival Theatre, just before the performance of the Guitar Orchestra in the Finale Concert last Sunday night. To her greatest surprise, Amelia was awarded one of the guitars. Anne was very thrilled for Amelia and said how much she deserved such an award. Her commitment to the Guitar and the Orchestra is admirable.
The music played by the Orchestra was Dr. Svoboda’s 2 compositions ‘Wongoling’ and ‘Echo’s of Rainshadows’ followed by Paul’s arrangements of Joni Mitchells ‘Both Sides Now’ and ‘The Joker’ by Leslie Bricusse & Anthony Newley better known as the theme from the TV show Kath & Kim.
The Adelaide Guitar Festival was held over 4 Days at the Festival Centre with Artist from Australia and Overseas.
Amelia with her guitar teacher, Anne Todd
Amelia with her prize, the Grand Concert Guitar from Yamaha
Wear it Purple Day
Friday 31st of August is Wear It Purple Day. Wear It Purple Day was co-founded by young Australians Katherine Hudson and Scott Williams in 2010 in response to several rainbow young people taking their own lives following bullying and harassment resulting from the lack of acceptance of their sexuality or gender identity. As the world saw the faces of precious young lives lost, some young people found a new sense of conviction and purpose to ensure that young people everywhere would know that there were people who did support and love them. Wear it Purple was established to show young people across the globe that there was hope, that there were people who did support and accept them, and that they have the right to be proud of who they are.
The aims of Wear It Purple are to foster supportive, safe and accepting environments for rainbow young people and for their wellbeing to be equal with their peers.
Wear It Purple believe that every young person is unique, important and worthy of love, and that no one should be subject to bullying, belittlement or invalidation. Wear It Purple believe in a world in which every young person can thrive, irrelevant of sex, sexuality or gender identity.
By getting involved, we will send a powerful message to our same sex attracted, intersex and gender diverse students, staff and families that they are a valued and important part of our school community.
Year 7 K/O Netball
The Year 7 SAPSASA K/O team were unfortunately knocked out in the third round. After convincing wins over Port Elliot and Aldinga Primary School they were put to the test when they took on Tatachilla College in week 4. They proved to be too strong, with a fast-paced mid court and tall goalies. Our team played consistently well over the series of games showing excellent skills and team work to get as far as they did. Well done girls!
Standing (L to R): Tihana, Aleysha, Stella, Aleysha,
Asha, Ms Haussen
Kneeling (L to R): Carys, Abbey, Zara, Tayah (Absent - Bree and
Year 9 Adelaide Zoo Excursion
Our Year 9 excursion to the Adelaide Zoo on the two beautiful sunny days of Monday and Friday week 5 was a great day. Students always enjoy having the opportunity to learn outside of the classroom and engaging themselves within the topic of Biomes and Food Security.
This experience was an invaluable part of gaining inspiration from, and deepening their knowledge of the threats to species in South-East Asian tropical rainforests, how food choices impact on biomes and practical actions people can take to make a positive impact on our world.

Year 8D History
In History the year 8 students looked into the topic of Vikings (c.790 – c.1066). The Vikings left behind amazing artefacts which help us learn about their stories and where they travelled during the Viking Ages. Mrs Turpin’s year 8 students had the opportunity to create a Viking artefact using craft materials around home and school. Students created artefacts ranging from longships, battle-axe, sword, shield, helmet, jewellery, pottery, houses and etc. All students were engaged and enjoyed making their artefact.

Year 8D Geography
Mrs Turpin’s year 8 Geography class are looking into the secrets buried inside our planet. Students have revealed the earth layers through creating their pop up cards which helps to demonstrate the earth layers that create our landscapes and landforms that we see on earth today. Students also had to create a poster around one Australian landscape or landform to help complement their understanding of the study of Landscapes and Landforms topic.

Ushiku High School Study Tour - August
For the fifth consecutive year, Eastern Fleurieu welcomed high school students from Ushiku, Japan. For the group of 16 Japanese students, the trip was an exciting and engaging chance to experience Aussie culture. Students enjoyed their time at Eastern Fleurieu, and with the help of some amazing school buddies, fitted right into our school both socially and academically.
The Ushiku students, along with their EFS buddies, experienced much of what South Australia has to offer, from meeting many of Australia’s native animals, visiting the beautiful coastline along Victor Harbour and Granite Island, to experiencing first-hand the importance of local produce at the Central Markets, and Rundle Mall. Big thank you to the host families, school buddies and EFS staff for making the students feel so welcome.
Some quotes from host families;
“Hosting an exchange student was a valuable learning experience for our young family. We all appreciated the culture our student brought with her from Japan and we enjoyed teaching her about life in Australia.”
“Hosting a student was a very rewarding experience.”
“Great experience culturally for the family.”
“We will be happy to share our home with other exchange students, to give them the opportunity to experience part of Australia culture.”

EFS Student embarks on exchange program
Year 10 Student Lilly-Mae was presented with the Australian and Aboriginal flags by Ms Rebekha Sharkie MP on Friday August 24th at the school prior to embarking on exchange program as an AFS ambassador, to Argentina. Lilly-Mae will be staying with a family in Cordoba and will be away for Christmas and New Year. She chose Argentina because she has learnt Spanish and likes other languages as well as history and other cultures. For the presentation Lilly-Mae was joined by her fellow Year 10 RISE ambassadors, teacher Naomi Clark and Les Richey ACEO. We wish Lilly-Mae all the best for her cultural adventure abroad.
L-R Skye, Georgia, Emogen, Lilly-Mae, Rebekha Sharkie, Hannah, Keryn, Emily
Science Investigation Awards
This year a number of EFS students elected to take part in the extracurricular Science Investigation competition run by Food & Fibre Education SA. The competition allowed students to scientifically investigate an idea of their choice with the potential to win over $500 for their work! Over 900 completed entries were submitted across the state with just 92 selected to partake in the finals at the Royal Adelaide Show on Monday, September 3rd.
Rebecca and Smiley (Year 7) were selected to take part in the finals for their work investigating the effect of flour brand on cake preference. Oliver and Luke (Year 8) were also chosen after exploring the merit of the ‘5 second rule’ regarding whether there is a safe time within which to consume food after it has been dropped.
Oliver and Luke with their poster
Rebecca with her and Smiley’s poster
At the finals, the students presented their work and explained what they had learned to judges from a range of research institutions. Unfortunately our students were not amongst the prize winners however, their conduct was exceptional as was the feedback from judges about their investigations.
We look forward to being part of the competition again next year and thank Julianne Koopman for her support!
Mr Langhans
Luke and Oliver explain their findings
Rebecca explains why flour brand is important
Yr 10 Logo and Production Design
This semester in Year 10 Multimedia, students completed a unit on Logo and Product Design. In line with industry expectations, students were challenged to write a formal design brief, outlining their chosen/created brands identity, demographics and culture, a project summary and project constraints. Students then had to follow the creative arts process to develop and refine their ideas into polished designs. This project allowed students the flexibility of aligning their projects with their personal interests, whilst also developing their own unique styles, techniques and computer literacy skills in Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator and InDesign. I was extremely impressed with the quality of work our students were able to produce and am looking forward to seeing what they can achieve in our next unit on digital photography.

Photo credits: Yuki Threads by Emmy, Dusk Cosmetics by Kiesha, Botanical Graphics by Sophie, Dino Guitar by Will.
Mrs Playford

Royal Adelaide Show

This year the 7-12 Campus Agriculture faculty entered 3 wethers, 6 goats and 3 steers into The Royal Adelaide Show. All of the participating students did an amazing job and looked fabulous in their new shoe jumpers.
Red Angus “Elberto” won third in his class and did very well on hook also, receiving a special mention in Red Angus division. Congratulations to Cody and Abby for placing 3rd and 4th respectively in the Handlers competition on Wednesday night.
We are looking forward to setting goals for 2019 and welcoming new stud breeders to our team. Students have also expressed interest in showing chickens….watch this space!
Thank you to Ragnarok Livestock Transport for transporting our goats and steers to the show again this year and Mr Breen, Seth, Jack, Daniel and Jake for transporting the wethers.
Thanks also goes to Bubbells Embroidery, and sponsors Elders, Giles, New Holland and Shadamah Farms.

R U OK? Day
Thursday the 13th of September was R U OK? Day. At the 7-12 campus we recognised the day by putting on an event to help raise awareness around starting a conversation and checking in with your friends to make sure that they are okay. The day was a success with many staff and students attending the event that was held at lunchtime outside the Performing Arts Centre where there was a BBQ, face painting, music and an information area.

Thank you to the students who made posters and prepared information leading up to the day as well as those who helped with the set up, spoke to staff and students and cooked the BBQ on the day. A special mention to Claudia Cresp who coordinated the event.

Stars Shine Bright at Performing Arts Showcase
Students showcased not only their on-stage talents, but their qualities of compassion, cooperation and community spirit at the EFS showcase on Thursday 7th June. Performers from Years 6 – 12 demonstrated their individual and ensemble skills in music, drama and public speaking.
Year 7 MCs Maisie and Abbey hosted the event, displaying huge confidence and adaptability for students so young. Year 11 Community Studies student, Ellorah, who was responsible for organising the hugely successful event, commented on their flexibility with last-minute changes to the script and their spontaneous, emotive responses to the events as they unfolded.
Ellorah, the event organiser, with singer Mikayla
Ellorah’s motivation for selecting the showcase as the community project for her Stage 1 course was fundraising for the upcoming EFS music tour. A talented performer herself, Ellorah will be touring with her peers and her sister, Caitlyn; Ellorah recognised the need to raise funds to subsidise the students’ travel, accommodation and uniform costs.
Ellorah’s passion for the performing arts comes from the significant bonding and sense of community that can be gained from these events. This was evident on the night with students and their families supporting each other through the challenge of public performance.
Emotions were high as Year 8 student, Mikayla, fought her way through a solo performance of “This is me”. During a brief moment of self-doubt, audience support revived Mikayla’s confidence resulting in her finishing her song to a standing ovation. Mikayla’s mum, Joanne, was overwhelmed with the support and encouragement Mikayla received. She shared our pride in Mikayla’s resilience and courage in completing her performance.
Students were delighted by the audience turn-out as one of their fears was no one would come to watch. It was clear as the crowds were enjoying their pre-show BBQ and cupcakes, that the attendance would be impressive. We are thankful to our audience, and the families and friends who volunteered their time to assist the students and provide constructive feedback about the event.
The performing arts staff were pleased with the authentic opportunity offered to Year 12 student, Jacob, to complete his assessment by performing a solo in the vocal ensemble. Other performances included Year 7, 9 and 10 Drama performances, the Singing for Fun group, EFS concert band and vocal ensemble, dance performances from Annabelle, Kerin, Kaeleah, and Bonnie, solo performances from siblings Akeyla and Willow, the Year 11 rock band and organiser, Ellorah, singing a duet with her sister, Caitlyn.
Music teacher Shayne Tarling said, “Performance is the most important part of learning music and opportunities to perform publicly are invaluable; it is the best way to hone your craft. Nothing makes you practise hard, like an impending performance.”
We would also like to acknowledge the work of our sound and light technicians Lachlan, Catherine and Alex, and all the student volunteers back-stage who undertook important off-stage roles to keep the show moving along.
We are very proud of the students who led this event and demonstrated significant learning by developing fundamental skills of communication and teamwork. Backstage was hectic but organised under Ellorah’s leadership with students supporting each other in preparing the stage, knowing their cues and improvising together when the need arose.
The students are now looking forward to the music tour in August in which they will compete in the 22nd Balaklava Eisteddfod. Ellorah commented that the most important part of touring and performing is the unbreakable bonds and friendships formed in these shared and most memorable experiences of school life.

Ethan’s Exchange Experience – a letter home
Letter from Japan, the home stretch….
Recently, I have changed host families though only for a month and a half before returning to my original host family for the last month of my exchange. The new host family has been really good in every way which I am incredibly happy about and very grateful to the new host family for hosting me. School life is now at its most stressful part, as my exchange is coming to an end there are several things for me to be doing such as preparing a large quantity of presentations and speeches, studying extra hard for my Japanese exam on the 2nd of December. Though there is much work to be done I’ve been spending more time with my friends now than ever due to my impending return to Australia. I'm definitely feeling like the friends I’ve made here are ones I will be able to maintain a good relationship with despite the distance between us upon me returning to Australia. Recently a handful of students from James Sheahan Catholic High school in NSW had a 2 week homestay in Japan (similar to the homestay that the Japanese students have at EFS) and came to my school in Japan. I got to know a few of them quite well despite the short stay and I still remain in regular contact with them. One very popular hobby in Japan is going to Karaoke cafes, renting a private room for an hour or 2 and singing along with microphones to a wide selection of new, old and classic songs.
I myself hadn't tried this until the students from James Sheahan came, we all went out for Karaoke on their last night here and I thoroughly enjoyed myself. Since then I've been out multiple times with multiple friends to sing English and Japanese songs and I definitely consider it as a hobby of my own now. In only another 2 months I will be back home with my real family and I am more than eager to see them again. Seeing my Australian friends again is also something I can't wait for, and judging by the speed at which the exchange has gone so far, I won't have to wait long at all. My ability to speak Japanese improves little by little every day, learning new words and phrases all the time. When I learn a word and encounter a situation where I can use it and do use it, it feels so good. I have just presented a speech to my Exchange organisation in Japanese, and was amazed at how well I went, and how I could also understand and answer any questions they had. My reading of all 3 alphabets is now amazing and I'm very proud of myself, writing is the hardest part due to the complexity of the characters and how complicated their spelling is. Japan is now in Autumn and the trees are turning a very beautiful orange colour, I'm looking forward to having my first white Christmas this year and having a Japanese style New Year.
Eastern Fleurieu Racing Round 2
The EFS pedal prix team competed in their second race event for the season in another Adelaide 6 hour race. Again the race was held at Victoria Park with many schools in attendance. Our team was slightly different to the first race with some new faces from the Strath R-6 campus getting their first race experience. These new riders transferred their training form into the race with ease and assisted the team in recording a much improved result. The team moved up 12 places in the standings with our fastest lap being recorded by Harry.
Mr K
EFS Music Tour
The idea of the tour came about after we attended a Music Education Expo where the Balaklava Eisteddfod brochure was given to us. I remember this competition fondly from when I was at school and we discussed the idea of attending. As Balaklava is quite far away from Strathalbyn, we discussed turning the trip into a tour that would help foster a feeling of community amongst our ensemble members.
We had 25 students attend the camp (7 students from Strath R-6 and 18 from 7-12 campus) represented in both ensembles (vocal ensemble and concert band). The students were accompanied by Shayne Tarling and Jacqui Maynard and myself.
Our tour started on Wednesday August 1 with a short concert for Eastern Fleurieu students at the 7-12 Performing Arts Centre. Thank you to staff and students for your tremendous support. We departed shortly before 11am and stopped off at Melbas Chocolate Factory and the Big Rocking Horse, where students had the opportunity to feed the animals and climb to the top of the horse. We ate lunch and then made our way to Gawler District B-12 school for our first performance. Both of the ensembles were very successful.
The second day of the EFS Music Tour saw the group visit Mallala Primary School, where they performed to a 200-strong crowd of students from preschool to year 7. Throughout the performance, members of the Concert Band demonstrated their instruments to the inquisitive audience and the Vocal Ensemble had the huge crowd singing along. After morning tea, they ventured further north to Clare High School, where their performance was appreciated by an audience of specialist music students. In the evening, visitors to the Clare Caravan Park were treated to a performance before our students tucked into dinner, courtesy of the Clare Rotary Club. After dinner, students relaxed with movies and popcorn.

The tour group reached their final destination - The 22nd Balaklava Eisteddfod on Friday. Both the Concert Band and Vocal Ensemble performed well in their respective sections against some highly experienced opposition. Although neither of our groups placed, the adjudicators were full of praise and offered useful feedback. The staff and students enjoyed watching the other bands and choirs, and have come home full of inspiration, and are already looking forward to going back.
Shayne, Jacqui and I are incredibly proud of how our students presented themselves on tour, both on and off the stage. We had a wonderful experience, and whilst we did not place this year, we received very helpful praise and feedback and look forward to attending again the in the future. It was an amazing experience that helped our students to develop a close bond with each other and extend themselves in a musical capacity. Both staff and students have returned from tour full of inspiration and joy.
Mrs Tarling

International Education
Our school has a growing International Education Program. We welcomed quite a few students to our campus this year.
- Anouk – Luxembourg
- Guilia - Italy
- Korbinian – Germany
- Lorenzo – Italy
- Charlotte – Germany
- Aucan – Germany
- Waka - Japan
Thank you to our host families who welcome the students in their homes. We are always looking for more families willing to host a student. Short and long term potions are available and it is a rewarding experience for all.
Some of our own EFS students studied abroad this year!
- Ethan - Japan - 10 months
- Hannah – US – 1 year
- Lily – Argentina- 6 months
- Rueben - US
Ushiku Junior High School Study Tour - November
Following the successful high school exchange program in August, Eastern Fleurieu School again welcomed the Junior High students from Ushiku. This is the second time EFS has hosted junior high students, and all 15 of them enjoyed their time here in Australia. A big thank you to the many school buddies who supported the Ushiku class and guided them through their stay.
The students were generously welcomed into the homes of our host families and soaked up Australian culture during their time in South Australia. The 12-day study tour saw students travel to Mt Lofty and Cleland Wildlife Park to appreciate our natural scenery and wildlife, as well as a venture to the Central Markets and Rundle Mall for some Australian city shopping.
In amongst these trips the students also made some tasty kangaroo sausage rolls with Ms. Stevens, appreciated the animals and agriculture we have on-site with Ms. Halling, and experienced some Australian football first hand with some keen Year 10’s.
The Ushiku students enjoyed their time immensely and have made long lasting friends and cultural connections to share back home. Thank you again to all involved with this program!
The Ash Girl
After months of preparation, students from Mrs McGill’s senior Drama class took to the stage for a matinee and two evening performances of The Ash Girl. This dark adaptation of Cinderella explores Ash Girl’s inner turmoil which is personified by Sadness (played by Sarah) and the Fairy in the Mirror (Isabelle), who battle to win over her optimism and her overwhelming sadness, until she finds the courage to seek the happiness she deserves.
It’s not all plain sailing for Ash Girl (Kaeleah) on her journey to find her Prince Amir (Mitchell), as hindrances in the form of her self-absorbed step-sisters Ruth and Judith (Keryn and Hannah), her ruthless “Mother” (Madalyn) and the seven deadly sins (Fionn, Keely, Emily, Jacob, Katelyn, Angelina, Giulia and Charlotte) weave their way in and out of the story blocking her path. But despite their efforts nothing could stop Amir, aided by Paul (Jacob) and his mother Princess Zehar (Amy) from finally finding the mysterious owner of the beautiful shoe.
Congratulations goes to all the performers, (including guests Jura and pre-service teacher Sarah Powell who played Boy and Girl Mouse) for bringing the magic to life and presenting highly polished and professional performances. SACE students facing external assessors were ably supported by exceptional younger students both on and off stage.

The backstage crew (Kaylee, Madison and Grace) left nothing to chance. By using excellent teamwork skills and common sense they were able to problem solve and ensure the smooth running of the show. Through clear communication with the tech crew on sound (Tasma Jefferies) and lighting (Catherine and Laura), the transitions between scenes were efficient and beautifully timed. Because of their professionalism and adaptability, the audience were oblivious to the little hiccups that inevitably arose.

During the interval, Corissma (front of house/ publicity) delighted audience members with delicious multi-coloured lamingtons which symbolised the seven sins. Photographers Maddison and Aimee supported Corissma in promoting the show by taking some fantastic shots both in rehearsal and during performance, as well as preparing the program.
The Performing Arts staff are absolutely delighted with students’ achievements once again and are proud and privileged to be associated with such a dedicated and professional team of young people. I would also like to thank the many people who supported our production, in particular, Cornerstone College and Circbatts for the loan of costumes, Rebecca Sims for alterations, Andrew Jones for assistance with the set, Hannah Playford (poster design) and Sharon Stephens, Fiona Watson & Noah Raj for helping with catering.

Final accolades go to Hayley McGill; simple words cannot do justice to the level of self-sacrifice, perseverance and determination offered to EFS’s Drama students’ year in and year out. You reap what you sow.
Vanessa Coker (Performing Arts Leader)

Basketball Champions
On the 15th of November the Yr 9/10 girls basketball team played in the state finals at the Port Adelaide Basketball Stadium. After taking out the Fleurieu Cup earlier in the year, the girls had a few close encounters on finals day, but came out state champions for the Pool B state competition.
Glossip came out firing in the first game, being 12 up at half time. The EFS girls fought back hard to win the game by one in the dying minutes, score being 17-18.
The second game was against Samaritan College (Whyalla), where the girls dominated across the whole match with the final score being 22-29.
The grand final saw the girls face Glossip again, however this time EFS were prepared and dominated the match from start to finish. Each player performed brilliantly across the day, however special mentions must go to our best players on the day which were Isabella and Holly.
EFS continues to be proud of our female basketball teams, who have successfully taken out two state titles in 2018.
Written by the Yr 9/10 Basketball Girls
A not so ‘lost’ year!
2018 was a year of trying new things and making the impossible possible. So as a cohort, the year 9 cohort participated in a number of experiences that were aimed at providing a formal transition from being a child to a young adult. We have reflected on our lives, taken stock of our past experiences and looked to improve in areas of personal development. Through structured challenges, we aimed to push the boundaries in different areas of our life, helping us grow as individuals and as a team.
Role models such as our parents, grandparents and mentors have guided us through life, and at the Departure Ceremony, we finally took the time to thank them of all they have done. Through ‘letters of love’, we shared our thoughts on past experiences and hopes and dreams for that to come. It was clear that showing gratitude is something we should continue to pursue more regularly, as it strengthens the relationships we have.

Deep and reflective conversations were the cornerstone of Rite Journey sessions, where we explored concepts and topics that were important to our development. These ranged from understanding decision making, our own and others behaviour and ideas around self-concept as well as many more. Mr Rofe commented, “an important part of the process is to share your perspective on life experiences, as this forms a basis for our future decisions”. Thus being the ground we have built our year upon, through experience and understanding of exactly that.

Academically, our cohort has flourished with a strong ‘can do’ attitude. We’ve been involved in debate teams, art competitions, music and drama performances, and a wide range of sporting events. We have supported the EFS community through a variety of initiatives such as volunteering at Breakfast Club and organising the installation of the ‘hydration stations’ across the 7-12 site. Throughout these experiences, we have represented the school with pride and tried out best to succeed.

One of our major challenges and an important part in The Rite Journey, was the aptly named ‘Solo Camp’. The time leading up to camp was filled with nerves, excitement and laughter. Not to mention the endless questions about our upcoming adventures. However, our friends and classmates gave encouragement as well as a sense of safety when we conversed. It was reassuring to find everyone had mixed feelings and thoughts as well as questions on what would be and that we were not alone. The journey to solo was a road filled with highs and lows as we anticipated what was to come.
When the time came, we headed off into the wilderness to brave the elements and test our resilience. The cohort spent almost 20 hours alone in nature with only a few essential elements and a distinct lack of modern-day comforts. For some, it was easy, while others battled with the cold conditions and an abundance of mosquitos. In our hyper-connected world, opportunities to be by ourselves and have a ‘time out’ are rare, and therefore the Solo camp, in addition to other moments, gave everyone the time and space to reflect.
No matter what our opinions were at the time, Rite Journey gave us the opportunity to change, it gave us time to put energy into areas of personal development that we may have never thought of. Because of the journey each one of us undertook, we have a new appreciation for the intricacies of life and a set of new perspectives. It is clear to all, if you spend a decent amount of time with Year 9’s, that their energy is rich, and their culture is welcoming. We hold great hopes for our cohort as we head into senior school as our accomplishments from the year have allowed us to grow into independent young men and woman. The problems we have resolved and the laughs we have shared have given each student the power to have a bright and adventurous future.
Angelina Jones and Laura Kent
White Ribbon Day
On November 26th, the students in years six and nine participated in a special assembly to mark White Ribbon Day. The focus of the morning was to launch the ‘Expect Respect’ Calendar created by the year six students in conjunction with the Zonta Club.
‘Expect Respect’ is a Zonta club of the Adelaide Hills/ Mount Barker initiative which works with Primary school children to heighten awareness of the need for respect in relationships to create cultural change and reduce domestic and civil violence.
Local White Ribbon Day Ambassador, Derek McManus and Ian Kent addressed the students with thought provoking words about the importance of respect and speaking out against domestic violence. The audience was entertained by a musical performance and the assembly ended with a shout out which was measured on a decibel meter.
Cooking with Room 20
This year has been a busy year for some of students attending alternative programs. With support and guidance from SSO Carol Richardson she has incorporated the school curriculum and life skills together. The Eastern Fleurieu school has put in place for smaller groups of students to attend classes in cooking, cards business making, and animation skills. This has enabled the students to be more focused with excellent outcomes. These programs have not only helped the students for the future but has increased their confidence and belief in themselves.
The cooking group have been involved with the wider community by cooking bush tucker for Naidoc week. Another proud moment for them was to cook for the Eastern Fleurieu School pre-formal where they made finger foods. Within the cooking group, the students learnt all aspects of planning meals to selling and delivering them with confidence within the school.
The “Happy card group“ have been busy making birthday and Christmas cards to sell. Students learnt the process for ordering supplies with a budget, making cards and envelopes from the beginning. The students planned a stall with a cash flow of money to learn about money management, calculating change and profit and loss.
In the spirit of Christmas the group have given some of their cards to the local community. Some of the recipients are the local nursing homes, the hospital, day care centres and more.
These alternative programs are proving to be successful in many ways with school curriculum and well being.
Written by Carol Richardson.
Back Row: Kym, Isaac, Carol and Les
Front Row: Jordan, Zac and Bella
Jason and Lilli enjoying cooking lessons
Lilli making pizza
Year 10 highlights
Year 10 has been an exciting year for our students…. with many opportunities offered for them to build the skills and knowledge they will need, not only transitioning into their studies for SACE, but also as they reach the age where many students seek part-time employment and also go for their ‘L’s. As well as starting their SACE studies through completing their Personal Learning Plan (PLP), the students have had the opportunity to gain Road Safety Awareness through attending the RAA’s ‘Street Smart High’ in April and take part in a series of Work ready activities including ‘Speed Careering’ and ‘Mock Interviews’ as a part of their RISE Pastoral Support Programme throughout the year. These activities have been organised by a group of extremely hard-working and dedicated RISE Ambassadors (Year 10 Student Leaders) and have been supported by local businesses who have very generously donated their time to help our students develop the skills they need to gain entry to the work force. In addition to this, the Year 10 cohort were one of the inaugural cohorts of students who completed the P.E.A.C.E pack program on anti-bullying, developing awareness and proactive strategies to support and prevent bullying, either at school, or in the wider community. As a cohort of students, they have risen to the challenge of entering Senior School and have made the most of the opportunities they have had to develop their skills, knowledge and capacity to succeed.
Miss Clark
Year 11
Year 11 Science
Year 11 Maths
Rm 20 Visits Bunnings
On Friday 2nd of November the students in Room 20 attended an excursion to Bunnings. This excursion tied into learning around sustainability, a topic the students have been focussing on in Science and HASS. During their time at Bunnings the students built a bin storage crate for recycling bins, that can is now being used in the classroom. The students were able to utilise their skills to drill pieces of recycled wood on to a frame to put together the finished product. It was a fantastic day out and the students were able to continue to develop their knowledge of sustainable and how they can reuse varied materials in new and interesting ways.

Premier’s Reading Challenge
Congratulations to Tom, Angel, Caitlin, Eliza, Annabelle, Chelsea, and Natasha.
Students from the 7-12 Campus have once again participated in the Premier’s Reading Challenge (PRC). Only 12 books need to be read to compete in the PRC. Year 8 & 9 only have to read 4 of the 12 books from the PRC list and from Year 10, all 12 books are the student’s choice.
This competition is open to all students, even if they have never participated or have missed previous years, so students can re-join again next year if they want and every year that students participate, they receive a new award.
Well done everyone!
Shakespeare: As you write it
Enthusing students about the ancient works of William Shakespeare is easy when the Australia Playhouse come to town. This group of brilliant actors prompted lively audience participation within minutes of entering the stage on 2nd November.
Dazzling students with their witty improvisation, ridiculous costumes and energetic performances, the talented trio was able to sneak in some genuinely educational snippets about the work of the great bard. Students unsuspectingly learnt about the range of theatrical and language techniques weaved into Shakespeare’s works, such as soliloquy and simile, as they laughed along to the humorous hybrid of Dora the Explorer/ Hunger Games they had challenged the actors to present.
Students were asked to complete analytical responses to the stagecraft which will form part of their assessment in both English and Performing Arts classes. We will undoubtedly invite the Australia Playhouse back next year for more of their winning antics.

Green Thumbs at EFS
Exciting things are growing in the new Eastern Fleurieu garden, which has been an on-going project for EFS students over 2018. Different groups of students tend to the garden and have completely transformed what was a barren garden bed into a lush and colourful place for students, teachers and school staff to enjoy.
Students studying a Modified SACE program from Room 20 collect herbs and fresh vegetables from the garden and sell their delicious produce to staff. They have also assisted in the construction of a pizza oven, which produces some super tasty pizzas, and a chicken coop, whose eggs are collected by eager students on a regular basis.
Garden parties are fast becoming the talk of the school, as students organise, cook scrumptious lunches and hang out with their friends. We also have several veggie patches that are being cared for by students as part of the Gardening Club, Chook Club and personal projects. New benches, fences and artwork are constantly making their way into the garden, adding a unique and creative flare to the already vibrant space.
This fabulous garden would not be possible without the extraordinary efforts from EFS teachers, staff and volunteers. We thank you all for the time, energy and dedication to make the EFS garden a safe and fun place for our students to enjoy!
Tasma Jeffries

Outdoor Classroom Day
EFS R-12 had the opportunity to participate in Outdoor Classroom Day on Thursday 1st of November. It is a global campaign to celebrate and inspire outdoor learning and play.
A number of classes were involved in the initiative such as; 7C Spanish doing Day of the Dead face painting and Stage 1 Child Studies doing Nature Play activities.

Year 9 and 10 Indigenous Craft Excursion
On the 9th and 14th November students from both the Year 9 and 10 Craft class went on an excursion to Adelaide to visit the South Australian Art Gallery to view a major indigenous art exhibition and to participate in a print making workshop.
The exhibition was a 35-year retrospective of John Mawurndjul’s art work: I am the old and the new. This is a major exhibition for TARNANTHI in 2018. This exhibition celebrated his mastery of rarrk (cross-hatching) and his depiction of djang (sacred sites). Most of the work on show were painted on bark and well as a few wooden sculptures. This work is on loan from both private and public collections, and chosen by the artist, with the idea of introducing the audiences to Kuninjku culture and to significant ancestral locations in Central Arnhem Land.
We were lucky enough to have an informative tour guide from the Art Gallery both visits that took the classes around the exhibition and explained how the paintings and sculptures were produced, the materials used and some of the meanings behind the work according to the artist. All the paintings were produced on stringy bark and painted with reeds and crushed ochre. Only 4 colours were used in the works, however overlapping the colours created different tones and effects. I believe after a number of the conversations with the students that they have a new appreciation for the work produced and the amount of time and effort in creating these works.
After the tours students were able to participate in a printmaking workshops run by artist and inspired by the fabric printed work done by the The Bábbarra, an indigenous group of women from the Arnhem Lands. They have transformed the Art Gallery Studio with bold and colourful hand-printed textiles. Inspired by the animals of Arnhem Land (many of which can be found in the work of John Mawurndjul) the Bábbarra artists have created a series of printing plates for students to use to create their own designs. Students were able to draw their favourite nature inspired image on a piece of card and apply string to create a sprint print onto fabric that was printed in mono colours.
Both students and staff enjoyed our visits to the Art Gallery looking at art work and learning about the artists and their meanings behind their work. It was fantastic to see our students on their best behaviour, engaged within the program and participating with good questions of Art Gallery staff and thoughtful and critical thinking answers when questioned. It was great to get such good feedback from Gallery staff in regard to our students and their engagement.
Tracey Rosser
Art/ Craft/ Design Teacher

Annual Regional Youth Art Exhibition
The Alexandrina Council and the City of Victor Harbor proudly celebrate 20 years of the Annual Regional Youth Art Exhibition – an explosion of colour and vitality by young people from across the region.
Over 50 pieces of Eastern Fleurieu School student’s art work have been selected from year 7-12 to be exhibited in the Annual Regional Youth Art Exhibition during December, which is held at Signal Point Gallery in Goolwa. The works selected range from paintings, drawings, stippling, photography, paper cuts, indigenous weaving and design work.
Gallery hours:
Mon - Fri 11am-4pm,
Sat and Sun 10am-4pm.
Tracey Rosser
Art/ Craft/ Design Teacher

Ian Johnson Rotary Oratory Competition
On Wednesday the 7th of November, the cream rose to the top for the 2nd Ian Johnson Oratory Prize. The annual Year 11 Oratory competition is about educating our students that their voice matters, no matter who you are speaking to.
Sponsored by the Strathalbyn Rotary Club, and The Penguin Club’s Speaking Made Easy initiative, four stage 1 English students had the opportunity to compete for the silver tongue trophy and the $200 prize.
The 2018 contestants were:
Ebony: Fighting
Ellora: Why Public Schools Need Music
Keely: Pulling Back the Curtain on KPOP
Rachel: The Time Traveller
These four student finalists emerged triumphant from a pool of 40 odd presenters; after showing composure, tone and energy in their class presentations.
They were then set a challenge to present to ENTIRE year 11 cohort as well as a selection of year 10’s, teachers and invited guests from the community including: Mr Kym Goodenough, President of the Strathalbyn Rotary Club along with fellow club members Peter Redden, Jane Littlejohn and Kieran Fitzgerald.
Their talks were scrutinised by a judging panel consisting of: Ms Jan Sim, National Treasurer of Speaking Made Easy along with fellow judges Lynne Hansen and Lyn Kearvell.
All four contestants spoke with sophistication, elegance and, most importantly, passion. However, it was Ellorah’s passion that saw her prevail as the winner. Both Mr. Dolling and Mr. Fitzgerald would like to congratulate ALL stage 1 English students on their presentations this year, with special mentions to Ellorah, Ebony, Keely and Rachel on successfully conquering an extremely challenging task.
For future students, in the wise words of Mr. Fitzgerald, as you get older, your come to realize that almost all the things you have achieved and that make you proud have involved facing up to a challenge that on some level, terrifies you deeply.
Mock Interviews
On Tuesday 20th November the Year 10 Students sat their ‘Mock Interviews’ as a part of a simulated job application process they have been undertaking.
Many local businesses, from a wide range of industries generously donated their time and effort into providing ‘mock jobs’ and conducting the interviews with the applicants. All participants did a great job and the businesses gave great feedback to help our students gain that ‘winning edge’ when they apply for real jobs in the future.
It was a great opportunity to gain really important life skills and a special ‘Well Done’ goes to the amazing Year 10 RISE Ambassadors who put in a mammoth effort in organising the event.
The Rite Journey Graduation
On Wednesday evening, 28th November we celebrated the graduation of the Rite Journey cohort. Family, friends, mentors and staff were treated to delicious food, put on by the Food and Hospitality students, wonderful stories by key individuals and performances that set the scene for a high enjoyable celebration.
The evening was a great success and credit goes to the Middle School Captains for all of the hard work organising the event.
Wishing our Year 9 students all the best as they move into senior school for 2019.

Melbourne bound for Volleyball
2018 was our 7th year involved in the Australian Volleyball Schools Cup, which is the largest school sporting event in the Southern Hemisphere with over 5000 participants from 150 different schools from Australia and overseas. We are continuing to grow our volleyball program and in 2018 we took 8 teams to compete in Melbourne. Players, Families and Staff showed commitment and worked very hard throughout the year to develop their skills in preparation for the event. We also worked extremely hard with fundraising, raising over $19,000 to significantly reduce the cost of the event. A huge thank you to all of our sponsors throughout the year who helped us with this goal.
Year 8 Boys
The team finished on a real positive, winning their last 4 games for the competition. This resulted in a 9th place finish in a division of 13 teams. After missing out on the championship pool, the boys kept a positive attitude and achieved their goal of finishing the best place possible from that point. The team improved significantly throughout the week and thoroughly enjoyed their volleyball. They should be very proud of the way they represented the school on and off the court this week. Congratulations boys!

Year 9 Girls
The girls played a top game with a 2-0 set win against Caulfield with awesome dives, serves and hits! In the final playoffs they competed against the competitive Renmark team and lost 2-1 to finish 10th overall!
The girls learnt so much from the week with the team play drastically changing for the better since training at EFS. The girls should be so proud of their efforts!
Year 10 Girls
With another year under the belt, the Year 10’s managed to go a step further this year and make the Championship Pool.
The girls played some excellent volleyball and won sets off of teams that were extremely successful in the overall rankings. Throughout the week they were able to focus on some specialist setting and court coverage which will be beneficial for the years to come!
Awesome work girls, bring on going a step further again next year.

Year 11 Girls
The game against James Nash saw the girls take out an impressive 5th place from 14 teams.
It was a close match, going down in the first set 22-25, but the girls fought hard and won the next two sets 29-27 and 15-11. Their solid hits, blocks and determination securing them the win.
The week saw significant improvement from every player on this team. They worked hard, challenged themselves and shown outstanding sportsmanship throughout the competition. They should be very proud of themselves!
Year 9 Girls Team 2
The girls lost their first 3 games, but came up against Adelaide High ready to go.
They played their absolute best volleyball and came out with a second set win 21-25 but unfortunately, went down in the other two sets 25-7 and 15-5.
It’s was all smiles and the girls had an awesome week and have learnt so much about themselves, each other and volleyball.
Year 9 Boys
The Year 9 Boys had an awesome tournament and came home with the Silver Medal. The boys played amazing in the Grand Final against Reynella East with the match going point for point, with some incredible blocking, defence and hard attacks. We lost 26-24 25-23 and the match couldn’t have been any closer! The boys were fantastic throughout the week both on and off the court, and gained lifelong memories from the trip.

In between the volleyball they were extremely lucky and had a marvellous sporting tour of Melbourne. They visited the NBL match between Melbourne and Brisbane on Monday night, did a tour of Collingwood Football Club on Tuesday with their midfield coach and AFL legend Garry Hocking, where they met a couple of stars in Brodie Grundy and Jaidyn Stephenson, followed by a swing at the golf driving range.

Tom was voted best on court in the grand final by his teammates after some impressive passing and unstoppable offence, Ollie took out the Player’s MVP award for best player throughout the week while Willow took home the Tom Neville Best Team Man Award. It was a fantastic group of boys to work with and they are very proud of their silver medals!
Year 12 Boys
The Year 12 Boys had a great week away, finishing their tournament off with a win against Greenwood on Friday to finish 9th out of 14 teams. For many it was a great way to end their schooling life, spending the week away with friends and competing for the school. They should all be proud of their achievements and the work they have put into training and competing for the volleyball squad over the years.

SAPSASA Roll of Honour
This year, like most our school had strong representation in our district Sapsasa Carnival Teams with quite a few receiving medals as winners in the State Carnival. Being selected in the zone competition is a great achievement as the team is selected from the eleven schools in our zone.
Tom W: Softball – Gold Medallist, Football and Cricket
Stella H: Softball, Netball,
Shakayla H: Swimming, Athletics, Cross
Jack P: Football, Athletics-Silver Medallist High
Jump, Cricket
Harry H: Softball- Gold
Medallist, Football
Riley T: Softball- Gold Medallist, Cricket
Joe L: Football, Athletics
Alysha W: Soccer, Netball
Asha S: Softball, Netball
Athletics: Jack A- Gold Medal
Cross Country: Sophie P
Football: Logan B
Netball: Chloe H, Bree N, Rebecca H, Zara B
Soccer: Riley B, William F, Kalan B, Charlie G,
Amber Y, Jazmine B, Chanel L
Swimming; Chloe B, James G
Senior Presentation and Year 12 Graduation Night
For our final 2018 celebration, our families and guests were greeted by the EFS Concert Band’s repertoire consisting of Pirates of the Carribean, Shadow Warriors and Secret Agent Sugar Plum; they were seated beside the stage which was beautifully decorated with flowers arranged and generously donated by the Strathalbyn Floral Society.
Our senior school Captains and Vice Captains Nicky, Josh, Zoe and Jack opened the proceedings by greeting special guests, students and families and inviting Amabel to present Acknowledgement to Country. The musicians and Vocal Ensemble followed this by performing Advance Australia Fair.
Principal, Mr Ian Kent, then addressed the guests. Mr Kent acknowledged the kinship of the Year 12 cohort and his sense of pride in being their Principal. He celebrated the fantastic rapport he has witnessed between learner and teacher in his first year at EFS and shared some of his vision for current and future students of the school. He closed by congratulating the class of 2018 and wishing them well in their future pursuits.
Mr Kent, assisted by Director of Secondary Education Ms Tanya Wilson, then presented Year 10, 11 and 12 recipients with their awards for excellence in academic achievement across learning areas as follows:
In Year 10 - PLP Alistair and Keisha, HASS Isabella, HPE Brooke, Science Cody, Performing Arts Willow, Visual Arts and Systems Engineering Miles, and finally, William (who is overseas) won an outstanding three awards in Spanish, English and Maths.
In Year 11 – HPE Airliee, Technology Ezekial, English Jolene, Performing Arts Kaeleah, HASS Rachel, Visual Arts and Cross Disciplinary Studies Ella and receiving two awards in Maths and Science was Rebekah.
In Year 12 – Spanish Natalie, Psychology Olivia, Essential English Amity, Workplace Practices Jessica, Interdisciplinary Learning and the Community Amy, Society and Culture Annabel, Visual Arts (Design) Zoe, General Maths Caitlin and with two awards (Food and Hospitality and Nutrition) Jack. A special mention must go to the outstanding achievements of Valedictorian Monique who received an amazing five awards for Research Project, English, Biology, Chemistry and Maths Methods.
Next up, the Sporting Recognition awards were presented by Senior Leader, Mr Stephen Rofe. Mr Rofe celebrated the fantastic achievements of the two recipients, Matty and Jorja, who have both represented their state in a range of events this year. The Sports Citizenship Award went to Caitlyn for her significant fundraising efforts and overall leadership of events for the volleyball program.
The sought-after House Trophy was the next award to be presented to Captains of Sturt house Mariah and Noah. A disappointed Ms Wilson reluctantly handed over the house shield as her house Flinders had again been pipped at the post by the green machine. Thank you goes to all House Captains who have done a magnificent job of supporting younger students in their sporting endeavours. The 2018 House Captains and Vice Captains were Georgia, Dylan, Caitlin D, Brayden and Johanne (Angas), Keelie, Jackson, Caitlin S, Casey and Tom (Flinders), Annabel, Jack, Emma and Kade (Stirling) and House Trophy recipients Mariah, Noah, Olivia and Liam (Sturt).
The presentation of the special awards and scholarships by Sue Millar, Governing Council Chair, was preceded by a lovely rendition of Another Day of the Sun from movie La La Land sung by the EFS Vocal Ensemble. Award recipients were Mason (Southern Adelaide and Fleurieu Secondary School Alliance – School Based Apprentice of the Year), Caitlin S (The Southern Adelaide and Fleurieu Secondary School Alliance – Vocational Student of the Year), Matthew (Eastern Fleurieu Endeavour Award), Ebony and Jaydee (Trevor Fletcher Endeavour Scholarships), and Alex for outstanding service to the school community. Next Mrs Wendy Natt returned to present the Laura Natt Perseverance Award to Amy. Margaret Colby presented the Zonta Young Woman in Public Affairs Award to Annabel and David Stacey presented the Colin Stacey Community Service Award to Brayden. Melanie Cunningham-Clarke representing the office of Rebekah Sharkie MP, Federal Member for Mayo presented the Mayo Community Service Award to Daniel and Mr Robert Walder, Lodge of St John presented the 2018 Lodge of St. John Freemason’s Scholarships to Jazinta and Angus. The ADF Long Tan Leadership and Teamwork awards were presented by Mrs Vanessa Coker, Assistant Principal, (on behalf of absent Educational Director Mrs Ann Prime) to Keryn and Jack. The final award, The Caltex All-Rounder, was received by Nicky.
The School Captains then handed over to the Middle School Captains Angelina, Willow, Annie and Clem so they could participate in their graduation ceremony.
In a more sombre moment, Assistant Principal for Senior School Ms Penny Toy, acknowledged the recent passing of Year 12 students Mikayla and Hayden in a minute’s silence. She echoed Mr Kent’s earlier words, commending the Year 12 students’ support of each other through these recent tragic events.
This was followed by each Year 12 student in turn approaching the stage to receive their graduation certificates to be greeted by warm and congratulatory applause. The audience were amused by the cute smiles and interesting hairstyles on their first and last EFS school photos during these proceedings.
To close the ceremony, Monique, eloquently and confidently concluded the evening with her heartfelt valedictory speech which highlighted the significant changes that the Class of 2018 have witnessed in their six-year journey at the 7-12 Campus.
So as the doors close on another dynamic year of learning at the EFS 7-12 Campus we would like to thank all members of our community who have supported and continue to support our wonderful students through good times and bad. We congratulate our deserving award recipients and wish our departing students fulfilling and happy lives. You will be missed.
Year 12 class of 2018
Kieren |
Thomas |
Cristina |
Matthew |
Patrick |
Nicky |
Maddison |
Monique |
Brodi |
Joshua |
Emmerson |
Michael |
Kade |
Madison |
Tayla |
William |
Lenny |
Alissa |
Claudia |
Ryleigh |
Hannah |
Jack |
Olivia |
Mikayla |
Brayden |
Emma |
Georgia |
Anna |
Nicole |
Jem |
Hayden |
Sarah |
Jeremy |
Jack |
Arialle |
Liam |
Keelie |
Bree |
Amy |
Natasha |
Noah |
Daniel |
Daniel |
Jackson |
Maddison |
Kelsey |
Amabel |
Nathan |
Corey |
Zoe |
Mariah |
Mitchell |
Murray |
Dylan |
Courtney |
Jess |
Mason |
Hayden |
Ashleigh |
Kiara |
Amber |
Keenan |
Isabella |
Amity |
Christine |
Caitlin |
Emily |
Riley |
Madalyn |
Imogen |
Liam |
Annabel |
Max |
Tayla |
Connor |
Jacob |
Sean |
Casey |
Bradley |
Corissma |
Maddison |
Ronan |
Aaron |
Year 12 Quotes and Memories
Name + Nickname:
Keelie - Keels
Where will you be in 5 years’ time? Married to
a Prince, riding his horses in Europe
Favourite memory of EFS? Too many to pick
Name + Nickname:
Maddy - Mads
Where will you be in 5 years’ time? I will be
an enrolled nurse, hopefully in paediatrics
Favourite memory of EFS? Mentor meetings with
Name + Nickname:
Daniel - Kroppduster
Where will you be in 5 years’ time?
Favourite memory of EFS? Sports, Pedal Prix,
Making friends
Name + Nickname:
Emma - Em
Where will you be in 5 years’ time? Uni, Livin’
my best life
Favourite memory of EFS? The internet
Name + Nickname:
Brianagh - Bree
Where will you be in 5 years’ time? Laid back
in my self-built Bail hut enjoying a cocktail with a couple of fur babies
and an overloaded bank account
Name + Nickname: Max
– Lil Yab
Where will you be in 5 years’ time? Living the
dream in Milang
Favourite memory of EFS? Parking in the bus
zone – my bad
Name + Nickname:
Mason – Nathan, Pegs, Party Pegs, Perry
Where will you be in 5 years’ time? Not real
sure but as long as I’m upright and breathing that’s all that
Favourite memory of EFS? School camps
Name + Nickname:
Corissma – Mountain Goat
Where will you be in 5 years’ time? With my
best mate tickles (Tiahna)
Favourite memory of EFS? Playing all the mind
games on the teachers and how they never got angry about it but played
Name + Nickname:
Maddison – Mads (Winnie the Pooh)
Where will you be in 5 years’ time? I’ll be
having a life, not stuck in high school hah
Favourite memory of EFS? When I got away with
stuff and the teachers didn’t notice.
Name + Nickname:
Where will you be in 5 years’ time? Working in
a rehabilitation centre in either Psychology or Physiotherapy
Favourite memory of EFS? Melbourne Volleyball
Name + Nickname:
Sarah- Lil Sez
Where will you be in 5 years’ time? Somewhere
with my world (Dan Laundy)
Favourite memory of EFS? Whenever Dan Laundy
came to school
Name + Nickname:
Where will you be in 5 years’ time? Planet
Favourite memory of EFS? When the school
internet crashes monthly
Name + Nickname:
Courtney - Chutney
Where will you be in 5 years’ time? Lending
Sarah Holland money and telling her to get out of my house
Favourite memory of EFS? When the meme page was
still alive
Name + Nickname:
Where will you be in 5 years’ time? Working as
a dog groomer and travelling
Favourite memory of EFS? Formal
Name + Nickname:
Claudia - Clauds
Favourite memory of EFS? Not Year 12
Name + Nickname:
Maddy – Velma or Mads
Where will you be in 5 years’ time? Possibly on
the stage or writing that New York Times best-seller
Favourite memory of EFS? During an assembly
where Mr Fletcher was speaking, he announced that he would stay for
another year. Because of the assembly’s layout, it looked like the 4
houses applauding Professor Dumbledore in Harry Potter!
Name + Nickname:
Dylan. Dyl, Dylbot
Favourite memory of EFS? When the school
changed, Formal
Name + Nickname:
Matthew - Smacky
Where will you be in 5 years’ time? Replacing
Favourite memory of EFS? Grampians Camp,
Outdoor Ed
Name + Nickname:
Where will you be in 5 years’ time? IDK Bro
struggling somewhere
Name + Nickname:
Where will you be in 5 years’ time? Hopefully
graduated Uni and saving lives
Favourite memory of EFS? The time we went to
the Zoo in biology ….. oh wait
Name + Nickname:
Imogen – Im, Immy, Skinner, Immo
Where will you be in 5 years’ time? Studying
and travelling
Favourite memory of EFS? Year 11 outdoor Ed
Surf Camp
Name + Nickname:
Liam - Lyle, Huggie, Hutchy, Po, Owen
Where will you be in 5 years’ time? Hopefully
travelling Australia and the World
Favourite memory of EFS? Year 12 Formal. Making
lifelong friends
Name + Nickname:
Jack – Jacko, Bon, Bonitz, Dal, Odal, Skinny
Where will you be in 5 years’ time? Building
Favourite memory of EFS? Winning Gold at AVSC
2017. Making lifelong friends
Name + Nickname:
Noah - Veggie
Where will you be in 5 years’ time? Finishing
my Uni degree
Favourite memory of EFS? Winning Gold at
Australian Volleyball Schools Comp in year 11
Name + Nickname:
Jacob - Marshmellow
Where will you be in 5 years’ time? Hoping to
be doing something in Music and Sound Engineering, and making the most of
my life.
Favourite memory of EFS? Music Tour and the
random and hilarious things I’d do with Friends
Name + Nickname:
Where will you be in 5 years’ time? Travelling
& HOPEFULLY IN EITHER America or Europe
Favourite memory of EFS? Wasn’t at school
enough to have one,lol
Name + Nickname:
Emily Schwartz - Em
Where will you be in 5 years’ time? Hopefully
somewhere exciting
Favourite memory of EFS? Playing Melbourne
Volleyball with my friends
Name + Nickname:
Where will you be in 5 years’ time? On a boat
somewhere in Europe
Favourite memory of EFS? Choccy cake from the
Name + Nickname:
Where will you be in 5 years’ time? I hope to
be working in some sort of health facility helping people
Favourite memory of EFS? When Miss White rapped
a whole song perfectly in front of the whole class
Name + Nickname:
Where will you be in 5 years’ time? To have
travelled overseas
Favourite memory of EFS? Year 12 Formal.
Outdoor Education Camps
Name: Jette
Quote: Keep on keeping on
Where do you see yourself in 10 years? I will
own my own cafe and be travelling the world
A tribute to Mikayla Eastwood
Those we love don’t go away, they walk beside us every day. Unseen, unheard, but always near, so loved, so missed, so very dear.
Mikayla you touched many people’s lives with your loving, kind hearted soul. You achieved everything you set your mind to and I absolutely loved that about you. Your passion for soccer was inspirational and I know so many people who look up to you. I feel so privileged to have started playing soccer with you… we did so many carnivals together over the years and we’d blast my mum’s ears off playing One Direction the whole car ride down! I even played my last year of soccer by your side, winning the under 14 girls (undefeated all year) will always be a big highlight for me. You achieved such great things!
I remember the day we gave you Little Fry (the cockatiel), you were SO excited. I have never known anyone to love animals as much as you did Mikki, you had a way with them.
I will never forget our funniest memory, the day we went bike riding down at the creek, we were so little, we were being silly on our bikes and wanted to ride down this massive hill. So we did it. We were going so fast we couldn’t use our brakes and both ended up absolutely flying off the footpath and into the river. All I remember you saying is “Quick! Call my mum!” and I thought you were really hurt. But before I could even get my phone out I just hear you burst into laughter because it was so funny and we were drenched.
All our memories will forever hold a big place in my heart. Watching you grow into such a beautiful, loving person is a treasure I’ll never forget.
Jette x
A tribute to Hayden Perkins
He was a quirky, cheeky, happy and deeply in love with Mikayla.
Every memory I have of my childhood, Hayden was there, either in hysterical laughter, arguing like an old married couple or causing havoc, making our mums lives extremely difficult. Every milestone, Christmas, holiday, cut or bruise, he was there though it all. Growing up we spent most of our time outside in the dirt, either playing with the dogs, riding our bikes/quads, building treehouses or re-enacting Star Wars. When we weren’t outside we were parked in front of his X-Box playing Lego Star Wars/Indiana Jones/Batman where we would spend hours snacking on Barbeque Shapes and Chicken Crimpys. We both loved basketball, we would travel to carnivals together with our parents and support each other courtside. Even at local games we would watch each other’s grand finals and even train together on the odd occasion, either at the stadium or at home. I always had the height on Hayden but as he got older he grew into his big feet and massive head resulting in my being no competition when he was coming at me for a layup. Hayden was pretty much my older brother, he was the first to teach me how to ride a bike, running beside me as I peddled up and down the driveway until I could finally do a lap without falling off or crashing into him. Hayden also taught be how to correctly kick a football because apparently, I was ‘never doing it right’, but with his patience and persistence I was almost as good as he was by the end of the day. I was always so jealous of his beautiful, baby blue eyes and my heart breaks knowing that now I only have pictures to remind me of them. Hayden was not only my cousin but my best friend. The family will never again feel whole without him; he will be missed forever. Until I see you again Hady, we love you.
“And in the end, it is not the years in your life that count but the life in your years.”
Amity Richardson (Cousin)
Hayden was a great friend Hayden was he was always so happy and cheerful. He could brighten the mood wherever he went and we dearly miss him.
Nathan (on behalf of Hayden’s friends).
EFS 7-12 Campus would like to thank all students, staff and families who contributed to the 2018 School Magazine.
Special thanks goes to Chloe Bayley, Kate Jude, Hannah Playford and Vanessa Coker for the final collation and editing. We would also like to acknowledge the creative and eye catching cover design by Year 9 student Dakota.
We hope you enjoy reading about fantastic achievements of our students.